
February 17, 2012 1st National Conference of PhD-students and Doctoral Candidates Researching Civil Procedural Law and Private International Law
The conference was organized in cooperation of the Private Law Research Group, the Doctoral School and the Department of Civil Procedural law with active participation of 32 PhD-students and doctoral candidates. Our goal was with this conference to establish such a forum which is suitable for PhD-students and doctoral candidates researching in similar areas to exchange their suggestions and present their begun or almost finished research results or a segment of them.
All doctoral schools of Hungary was represented at the conference which was organized – according to its title – round two branches of law in three sections: the Phd-students and doctoral candidates researching civil procedural law could give their presentation in the topic of „Different ways of dispute resolution and enforcement of claims in the changed social and economic environment", while the Phd-students and doctoral candidates researching private international law could give their presentation in the topic of „Surmount the difficulties of cross-border economic relations – with especial regard to unionism of the European Union".
The presentations given at the conference were published in a conference book in February 2013:
HARSÁGI, Viktória / HORVÁTH E. Írisz / RAFFAI Katalin (szerk.): Nemzetközi magánjog és polgári eljárásjog a megváltozott gazdasági környezetben. (Private international law and civil procedural law in the changed economic environment) Pázmány Press, Budapest, 2013, [ISBN 9789633080870] 253 p. /Hungarian language/

8-9 June, 2012 „State and Private Law – Efforts and results in intersection of the law of the European Union, private international law, civil law and civil procedural law" – Scientific Conference in cooperation of Association of Private Law Teachers and the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of the Pázmány Péter Catholic University
The already traditional conference goes every year round a very actual topic from the aspects of private law in a wider sense, in conformity with the intention of the Association. This time the single speakers examined the state interventions' measures, methods and influences on the development of the private law. On the basis of the list of speakers, the level and volume (53) of given presentations, as well as the professional feedbacks can be said, that we managed to organise such an exciting and dynamical conference which included professional novelties and also encountered parallel opinions. It is worth mentioning, that there were speakers from all of the law faculties of Hungary and more practitioners as in the earlier years. This was the first time when law faculties from abroad were also represented by teachers.
The presentations given at the conference will be published in a conference book as far as can be foreseen in the second half of the year 2013.

7 December, 2012 Workshop of the Private Law Research Group
The members of the Research Group gave evidence of their scientific results achieved within the TÁMOP-project no. TÁMOP-4.2.1.B-11/2/KMR-2011-0002 in the year 2012, in form of reports. The reporters approached the actual tendencies of the social and economic role of the state from the directions of civil law, private international law, civil procedural law, commercial law and intellectual properties.
On the one hand, the members of the Research Group examined the challenges imposed by the new Civil Code on legislators and judicature (Prof. Dr. Gábor Jobbágyi, Dr. habil Zoltán Csehi, dr. Balázs Landi, dr. Dávid Sobor); on the other hand, the members of the Research Group examined the newest tendencies and effects of the legislation of the European Union in view of private international law, civil law, civil procedural law and intellectual properties of the member states (Prof. Dr. László Burián, Prof. Dr. Levente Tattay, Dr. habil Viktória Harsági, Dr. Andrea Gyulai-Schmidt, dr. Anett Pogácsás, dr. Ferenc Szilágyi, dr. Alexandra Kaliczka, dr. Noémi Suri).

15 February, 2013 „New legislative perspectives and tendencies in Hungary and the European Union" – 2nd National Conference of PhD-students and Doctoral Candidates Researching Civil Procedural Law and Private International Law
The conference with intention to establish a tradition approached second time only one topic from the point of view of private international law and civil procedural law. This topic was the "New legislative perspectives and tendencies in Hungary and the European Union".
This time the conference began with a plenary session, in which Maag. Susanne Frodl (University of Vienna, Institute of Civil Procedural Law and Research Institute of Development in Law) gave a presentation with the title of „Auf dem Weg zu einem geschlossenen Europäischen Rechtsraum unter Aufgabe nationaler Rechtstraditionen? Zum Beschluss der Europäischen Erbrechtsverordnung (VO [EU] Nr. 650/2012)" in German language. The Austrian speaker examined the necessity of a community legislative act in the international succession procedures. She presented the most important rules (as on jurisdiction, applicable law, recognition and enforcement) of the Succession Regulation through a very interesting and suggestive case. She dealt in detail with objectives set by the Regulation and the principles insuring their reaching, as well as the new achievement of the Regulation, the European Certificate of Succession.
After the plenary session the participants and listeners could become absorbed in mysteries of private international law and civil procedural law in three sessions. In general, the PhD-students and doctoral candidates strived to present the needs and efforts arising in these two branch of law and thereby to call the attention of the listeners to possibilities and accidental requirements of Hungarian and community improvement of private international law and civil procedural law, and the questions arising from them and are a matter for negotiation.
The presentations given at the conference will be published in a conference book as far as can be foreseen in the second half of the year 2013.